
How to shorten a zipper Péťa  ·  22.12.2020  ·  4 minutes of reading

Have you ever not been able to get a zipper of the right length in the store or have you had to settle for a zipper of the right length but the wrong color? If you find…

Simple Christmas ornaments made of felt or fleece Péťa  ·  19.12.2020  ·  1 minutes of reading

Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? And that there are still a few places on it where some other ornament would fit, right? If so, you might like one of the…

Simple Christmas decorations (9 DIY ideas, tutorials, and inspiration) Péťa  ·  18.12.2020  ·  4 minutes of reading

I have prepared nine tips for simple Christmas decorations that you can easily make yourself. Try simple paper stars, fabric gift tags, or maybe a fragrant Advent…

How to sew a tulip sleeve - Photo instructions for beginners (+ Free pattern) Péťa  ·  16.11.2020  ·  3 minutes of reading

For today, I have prepared instructions for sewing tulip sleeves and a free pattern for a tulip sleeve. You can download the pattern for children's sizes 98 -122 here:…

How to sew an original T-shirt using scrap fabric (Creative sewing & Simple pattern manipulation) Péťa  ·  16.11.2020  ·  2 minutes of reading

If you have a basic pattern for a T-shirt, you can use it to create a lot of interesting pieces. You can of course find such basic T-shirt patterns in my online…

Should you wash fabrics before sewing? - My tips for washing and pre-shrinking fabrics Péťa  ·  3.11.2020  ·  9 minutes of reading

To wash or not to wash? That is the question. If you've been sewing for a while, you've probably come across this topic. And you certainly know that this question…

How to make a wool pom-pom (bobble) Péťa  ·  1.11.2020  ·  2 minutes of reading

Do you know how pom-poms are made? No? See how simple it is. Just three steps… How to make a wool pom-pom: Cut two circles with a radius of 8 cm from stiff paper …

Recycling & Upcycling old clothes Péťa  ·  29.10.2020  ·  1 minutes of reading

Old clothes have been used as a basis for the production of new ones for a long time. This was once my husband's favorite T-shirt. He wore it so often that it…

How to print on fabric Péťa  ·  23.10.2020  ·  3 minutes of reading

This fall has really gotten under my skin. I wanted to sew a few themed cushions, but despite my huge supply of fabrics, I didn't find any that were suitable for this…

How to sew autumn felt cup pads Péťa  ·  16.10.2019  ·  2 minutes of reading

Autumn is here, there is no doubt about it. So, tune in to the autumn wave with me. You are going to need just a few pieces of felt, scissors, needle and thread.…

Pattern: Women’s t-shirt (lace) with looser shoulders TO THE CITY / SEWING / INSPIRATION Péťa  ·  7.10.2019  ·  2 minutes of reading

Today I have another short article with inspiration for you. It’s about a nice piece for the warmer autumn days. I made a lace t-shirt according to the t-shirt /…

Pattern - Children’s zipper sweatshirt FOREST / SEWING / INSPIRATION Péťa  ·  3.10.2019  ·  1 minutes of reading

I have the inspiration for autumn sewing for you. Pattern for children's sweatshirt FOREST has been on sale for a long time, but now it’s a beautiful autumn time again…