How to knit a sweater - Instructions and knitting pattern for women's sweater Péťa  ·  26.10.2021  ·  2 minutes of reading

Looking for original knitting instructions/patterns for women's sweaters? Then you will definitely like the knitting instructions we have prepared for you. The…

How to sew a button (12 tips) Péťa  ·  3.3.2021  ·  4 minutes of reading

After reading the title of this article, you probably wonder what I could have written about such a simple thing, but you may be surprised, sewing buttons has its…

How to sew women’s and kid’s mittens (sewing instructions + perfect pattern) Péťa  ·  28.1.2021  ·  7 minutes of reading

I have prepared another pattern and tutorial for you, this time we will look at sewing women's or children's mittens. The pattern for mittens BIG TOE is simple, but at…

How to sew a neckline hem - the simple way Péťa  ·  25.1.2021  ·  3 minutes of reading

Today's article is mainly for beginners, but it can also be useful for more advanced sewers. We will look at the easiest way to hem a neckline of a T-shirt or dress.…

Simple Christmas ornaments made of felt or fleece Péťa  ·  19.12.2020  ·  1 minutes of reading

Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? And that there are still a few places on it where some other ornament would fit, right? If so, you might like one of the…

Simple Christmas decorations (9 DIY ideas, tutorials, and inspiration) Péťa  ·  18.12.2020  ·  4 minutes of reading

I have prepared nine tips for simple Christmas decorations that you can easily make yourself. Try simple paper stars, fabric gift tags, or maybe a fragrant Advent…

How to sew a tulip sleeve - Photo instructions for beginners (+ Free pattern) Péťa  ·  16.11.2020  ·  3 minutes of reading

For today, I have prepared instructions for sewing tulip sleeves and a free pattern for a tulip sleeve. You can download the pattern for children's sizes 98 -122 here:…

How to sew an original T-shirt using scrap fabric (Creative sewing & Simple pattern manipulation) Péťa  ·  16.11.2020  ·  2 minutes of reading

If you have a basic pattern for a T-shirt, you can use it to create a lot of interesting pieces. You can of course find such basic T-shirt patterns in my online…

How to make a wool pom-pom (bobble) Péťa  ·  1.11.2020  ·  2 minutes of reading

Do you know how pom-poms are made? No? See how simple it is. Just three steps… How to make a wool pom-pom: Cut two circles with a radius of 8 cm from stiff paper …

Recycling & Upcycling old clothes Péťa  ·  29.10.2020  ·  1 minutes of reading

Old clothes have been used as a basis for the production of new ones for a long time. This was once my husband's favorite T-shirt. He wore it so often that it…

How to print on fabric Péťa  ·  23.10.2020  ·  3 minutes of reading

This fall has really gotten under my skin. I wanted to sew a few themed cushions, but despite my huge supply of fabrics, I didn't find any that were suitable for this…

How to sew a face mask (instructions + pattern in 3 sizes - children’s / women’s / men’s) Péťa  ·  31.3.2020  ·  3 minutes of reading

I did not want to open this topic on my blog, because I am not an expert and I do not know to what extent are such cloth face masks suitable. But given the current…