How to sew women's skirt FLAIR with a ruffle (video tutorial)

I have to admit, I haven't made a video tutorial in an awfully long time, but I have one for you today. In today's video, I'll show you how to sew women's skirt FLAIR with a ruffle using knit or laid-in knit.

Video návod jak ušít sukni s volánem z úpletu nebo teplákoviny

Recommended material

I recommend using light and medium knits such as uncombed laid-in knits with elastane, thicker double knits, Ponte Roma knits, etc. I would avoid light single knits that can lose their shape over time.

For the grey skirt, I used uncombed cotton laid-in knit with elastane and lined the yoke and ruffle with an elastic lining fabric.

For the pink skirt, I used Ponte Roma knit, which is a heavier double knit (viscose) that is both strong and flowing. Cutting edges of this fabric do not fray or curl, so they do not always need to be cleaned. Moreover, Ponte Roma knits usually look elegant, which is why skirts made from this material are also perfect for more formal occasions. A combination of elegance and comfort, simply beautiful! For the pink skirt, I lined only the yoke and left the ruffle unlined and with raw edges. In the photo above you can also see how the shape and flow of the ruffle change slightly when the lining is (not) used.

Střih - dámská sukně s volánem + video návod na šití

The pattern

You can explore this skirt pattern here:

Video tutorial

(Don't forget to turn on captions.)

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PS: Did you know that there are other FREE PATTERNS available on my blog?

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